How to shop clean


I am a list maker… like, I LOVE lists.

They are both a super power and weakness of mine. So to put it politely, coming across this particular list made me all warm and fuzzy inside. This awesome list via is a great help in getting started on your clean eating journey. I know for many people who are changing their lifestyle, much of the initial struggle comes from not knowing how to shop for their new diet needs. Of course, everyone is not going to have the same taste, so the first few shopping trips will still be a bit of an experiment. However, this list is a great guide to the sometimes daunting task of grocery shopping. Things like bags of dry beans, frozen veggies, protein (that can also be frozen) and some grains are things that can be bought in bulk. I call them my ever present “go to” meals. I know I will always have at least one or two of the items on hand. Fresh fruits and veggies can be a bit more fickle. Particularly if you are buying organic, fresh fruits and veggies can spoil quick. If you are one of those people that can go grocery shopping twice a week (one big trip and one small one for extra produce), then do it. If not, I find it always helps to prepare and wash my produce as soon as I get it home. Both myself and the kids are more likely to eat that honey dew melon I bought if its already cut, staring at me when I open the refrigerator vs. walking into the kitchen starving, and not wanting to take the extra 5 minutes to cut it up. Shopping clean doesn’t have to be a weekly buzz kill. Shop smarter, not harder! Oh, and don’t forget the sriracha.

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